with Vicki McCordall
Sat 31 May
A yoga class delving into traditional Yoga techniques, whilst understanding the science behind them.
- £12 -
Using a combination of modern science backed breathing methods and ancient traditions such as Kundalini Yoga and Buddhism, this class will teach you to become a more functional breather from a biochemical, biomechanical and frequency standpoint, whilst also introducing you to different techniques that will highlight a specific purpose such as stress release, firing up your agni, preparing the body for sleep, or simply unblocking the nose.
If you are interested in becoming a better breather, and/or want to delve more into traditional techniques, whilst understanding the science behind them, then this class could be of interest to you.
About Vicki :
Vicki McCordall is a breath coach and yoga teacher. A long term yoga practictioner herself, Vicki trained with Ian Davis at OrangeYoga School, qualifying in 2020.
She teaches a Vinyasa style based on Ashtanga yoga, a practice aimed at optimising health and wellbeing and balancing the body through breathing and postures. "I focus on ways to gently expand your current range of movement, with an emphasis on strength, balance and alignment."
Vicki also qualified as an Advanced Oxygen Advantage Instructor in 2021, as well as studying other techniques including the Wim Hof Method.
She currently works with a variety of private clients and senior schools, sharing the healing power of the breath, and how this can change the way we think and feel. It has an impact on how we deal with stress & anxiety; the quality of our sleep; exercise performance, and even the severity of asthma symptoms.
** Practical Bits **
Wear and bring -
Due to the nature of the Crescent Bakery building, it's ideal to wear layers of clothing for cooler / warmer fluctuations.
Cancellations -
Please note Workshops will be refunded only if we can find someone to take your place. Obviously, we will take account of exceptional circumstances. If you have chosen to pay in instalments, payments to completion will still be due. Please contact reception at studio@orangeyoga.co.uk and we’ll be happy to help.