
Light on the Fluid Body

A course with Tias Little

  Started Fri 10 May 2024


Immerse yourself in the more subtle aspects of practice.
For teachers and trainees.

Fri 10th May 2024 ~ 2pm to 5pm (3hrs)
Sat 11th May 2024 ~ 9:30am to 5pm (7½hrs)

- £195 -

About the class

Take a deep dive into the fluid system as it is expressed through the spine, brain, fascia and organs. In this SATYA, asana and breathing practices, we will learn new pathways of movement and new ways of articulating the fluid based, biodynamic potency within us all.

Modern styles of living require a practice that allows all of your tissues to open and breath. Tias and Surya designed a unique body of work to support ease, joy and flow within the body and have called it Somatic Awareness Training for Yoga (SATYA). SATYA is like a dance, yin yoga, Feldenkrais and myofascial release, The practice reduces fatigue by improving prana filling the body and is also a practice that will sustain and nourish you over the decades.

Yoga is all about staying fluid in both mind and body. In this immersion we will explore how to hydrate the body by freeing up the thousands of small tributaries of blood, lymph, and nerves that travel through our connective tissues. It is said that there are 350,000 tributaries of internal flow in the body. These little rivers (nadis) move in arcs, curves, spirals and elliptical patterns.

In practice, we do circular movements, twists and spirals to increase circulation through all the channels of the body. Whether holding still in a pose or moving between poses, we cultivate a mind/heart that is both supple and fluid. Through asana, breath work, meditation and yoga nidra, this fluidity leads to a direct experience of absorption.

In this immersion, we “soak” into awareness itself, and in so doing, embody a space of sublime, unconditional presence.

For teachers, this course will both stimulate your teaching and give you the space and time to deeply immerse yourself in the more subtle aspects of practice.

About Tias

Tias Little synthesizes more than 30 years of study in classical yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhism, anatomy, and trauma healing in his dynamic, original style of teaching. He is a licensed massage therapist, has in-depth training in cranial-sacral therapy and earned a master’s degree in Eastern philosophy from St. John’s College. His practice and teaching is influenced by B.K.S. Iyengar, Ida Rolf, Moshé Feldenkrais, and Thomas Hanna. Tias co-directs Prajna Yoga, an internationally-acclaimed yoga school located in Santa Fe, New Mexico with his wife Surya. He is the author of four books: Meditations on a Dewdrop, Yoga of the Subtle Body, Practice is the Path, and In the Space Between, The Poetry of Embodiment.

This course has already begun.