
Kundalini Yoga Workshop

with Geet Navjot Kaur

  Sat 26 Oct




An afternoon of deep, grounding postures to slow down, earth and connect for quiet and calm.

- £20 -

About the class

This is the perfect opportunity to go within and prepare for a quieter and calmer time of the year.

Kundalini yoga works on many energy centres and lines within and around our bodies, yet if we are not fully grounded and centred then we will not connect to and benefit from this flow of prana, or life force.

Join Geet Navjot Kaur for an afternoon of deep, grounding postures to slow down, earth and connect.

All levels and experience of kundalini and yoga are welcome, this class is accessible for all.

Wear warm layers and bring your yoga mat.

*** Please note Workshops will be refunded only if we can find someone to take your place. Obviously we will take account of exceptional circumstances. If you have chosen to pay in instalments, payments to completion will still be due. Please contact reception at and we’ll be happy to help.