
Light on the Sacred Skull

with Tias Little

  Sun 12 May




Release tension in the neck, cranium, jaw, tongue, and inner ear.
For teachers and trainees.

- £55 -

About the class

The cranium is home to 21 bones, 3 chakras, 3 brains, and 7 sensory openings or “gates.” In this unique class, Tias guides how to balance the skull in meditation, SATYA and asana practice. Through movement practices, we release tension in the neck, cranium, jaw, tongue, and inner ear. Throughout the class, we balance the sacrum with the skull in order to help release the connective tissues that surround the brain. These practices are valuable in the case of headaches, TMJ strain, eye strain, head injury, or insomnia. All practices bring sattva (relaxation), light and clarity to the upper body. By softening sensory awareness (pratyahara), we connect to a profound stillness within.

About Tias

Tias Little synthesizes more than 30 years of study in classical yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhism, anatomy, and trauma healing in his dynamic, original style of teaching. He is a licensed massage therapist, has in-depth training in cranial-sacral therapy and earned a master’s degree in Eastern philosophy from St. John’s College. His practice and teaching is influenced by B.K.S. Iyengar, Ida Rolf, Moshé Feldenkrais, and Thomas Hanna. Tias co-directs Prajna Yoga, an internationally-acclaimed yoga school located in Santa Fe, New Mexico with his wife Surya. He is the author of four books: Meditations on a Dewdrop, Yoga of the Subtle Body, Practice is the Path, and In the Space Between, The Poetry of Embodiment.

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