
The Rainbow Bridge

with Liz Lark

  Sat 10 May




The creative practice of yoga.
For teachers (and interested students).

- £100 -

You can pay by instalments if it's easier - £50 deposit + 2 payments of £25.

About the class

Morning Session :

will walk through the foundations of grounding & energy expansion with creative practises and structural flow sequencing.

Earth, Water & Fire elements will inspire our path, layered with corresponding kosha, vayu, Imagery, journeying from outer to inner bodies - from from to formless - density to light.

Drawing, sound and mantra, gesture (mudra) will correspond with each wave of the sequencing pathway, encouraging new energy and freedom for teachers to express their embodiment interpretations and inspire new learning.

Liz is studying Somatic Experiencing, which will infuse and enthuse the practises and teachings in language and sensing.

Afternoon session:

will explore transcendence and lightness of air and space, with chakra interpretation, meditation, pranayama and guided yoga nidra.

Less movement in afternoon, more seated and supine following a balance practice.

Somatic touch will be included in the day - safe touch, with trauma sensitivity.

Teacher and yoga lovers welcome.

The book, Crossing the rainbow bridge, Liz’s self publication, accompanies the day.

About Liz :

Liz Lark has been teaching yoga for over 25 years, developing from British Wheel of Yoga (Hatha) Teacher Training foundations, Astanga Vinyasa Yoga, Teacher Training in Goa and Mysore (1995).

In 1995 Liz began teaching yoga (BWY) Great inspiration and drive carried Liz through the Astanga Vinyasa system (1990’s), training in Astanga vinyasa under Derek Ireland, diversifying into other Hatha Yoga practices to broaden her learning . The Life Centre Notting Hill became an anchor for teaching in 1995 and in early 2000 she joined Sangam, an Astanga Shala (Battersea) with Gingi Lee.

Since 1998 she has written 8 books (see ‘1001 Pearls of Yoga Wisdom’ Watkins), her own self publications and most recently the Sequencing Chapter in ‘Yoga Teachers Manual’ (Jessica Kingsley 2018). Liz brings together Nature, Travel & Art with her inner travels to share Yoga through creative sequencing, somatic practises, visualisation, meditation & relaxations.

** Practical Bits **

Wear and bring -

Due to the nature of the Crescent Bakery building, it's ideal to wear layers of clothing for cooler / warmer fluctuations.

Staying over for courses / workshops -

Looking for somewhere to stay near the studio? Click here for more info -

Cancellations -

Please note Workshops will be refunded only if we can find someone to take your place. Obviously, we will take account of exceptional circumstances. If you have chosen to pay in instalments, payments to completion will still be due. Please contact reception at and we’ll be happy to help.